Hey listen i'm too tired to give the title without buggering up so i'll do it tomoz k

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Over the past 100 years, Australia has experienced a dramatic change in the structure of families. As our population is growing, our structure is changing, and many things have caused Australian families to change the way they once lived a century ago. One of the main aspects of this change is marriage. In the past, marriage was considered to be a completely different aspect to what it is today. Couples often married young, had children and …

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…lt;Tab/>37.8 1999<Tab/>52,566<Tab/>2.8<Tab/>40.9<Tab/>38.2 2000<Tab/>49,906<Tab/>2.6<Tab/>41.4<Tab/>38.6 2001<Tab/>55,330<Tab/>2.8<Tab/>41.8<Tab/>39.1 ________________________________________ (a) Per 1,000 population. Source: Australian Demographic Statistics (3101.0); Marriages and Divorces, Australia (3310.0).