Hester vs. adversities.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Hester vs. Her Adversities The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a historical novel set in 17-century New England. It's a disturbing tale of Hester Prynne, a woman caught in a conflict between puritan ethics of her community and the law of her own love. The struggle is seen between the laws of the bible and those of her own moral authority. In this novel, Prynne survives through her trials and torments and triumphs over …

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…strength and self reliance was all the support that she needed to live her life (148). "Hester saw... that there lay responsibility upon her, which she owed to no other, nor to the whole world besides"(146). The reality of life is that one should seek to remain strong for them alone, and this is the lesson that Hester Prynne derives from her experiences, this is the conclusion that she chooses to live her life according to.