Heroism. This essay is about what a modern day hero is. It contrasts another authors point of view but is properly cited.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Heroism Leaping tall buildings in a single bound, and faster than a speeding bullet. The model hero, Superman, triumphs over all evil. The real question is, what is a hero? Does a hero have to have superhuman abilities or can he blend in with the every day crowd? Raymond Chandler, a well-known author, offers his description of what he believes a true hero is. In order to better establish the true definition of a hero, …

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…by combining opinions one can come close. Superman and batman are fictional characters drawn in comic books and on the television. These two are named as super heroes, but not heroes. Heroes have every day powers. What makes them a hero is that they use every ounce of strength and bravery the can when a person needs help. An everyday hero can go beyond the term of duty and still make it home for dinner.