Heracles the immortal man

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Heroes are not uncommon in society. People, especially those facing hardships, created heroes for hope, something to push them through their daily toils. The Greeks of antiquity faced many daily difficulties, war, disease, famine, an unforgiving climate, etc. and also created heroes. Among them are Achilles, the greatest Greek warrior, Odysseus, the greatest speaker of the Greeks, Bellerophon, Perseus, and Jason. The greatest hero, though, was Heracles. He sets the standard to compare all heroes. …

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…form. Heracles was the greatest of Greek heroes. Bibliography: Burns, Lucilla. Greek Myths. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990. Euripedes. Heracles. From The PerseusProject@Tufts.edu Harris, Stephen and Gloria Platzner L. Classical Mythology: Images and Insights Third Edition. Sacramento: Mayfield Publishing, 2001. Kirkwood, G.M. A Short Guide to Classical Mythology. Wauconda: Bochazy-Carducci Publishers. 1995. Murray, Alexander S. Who's Who in Mythology: A Classic Guide to the Ancient World. New York: Wings Books. 1988 Heracles, The Immortal Man