Hepatitis B

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The disease known as Hepatitis B is caused by the infectuous Hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV alone has infected about 400 million people in the world, which makes HBV one of the most common pathogens. Almost 700 million U.S. Dollars are spent every year for treating Hepatitis patients. Structure: HBV is a 42 nm doubleshelled deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) virus of the class Hepadnaviridae. The outer surface membrane contains Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), which also circulates in …

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…prevents from being infected by the disease and prevents its serious consequences. Therefore, it is the first anti-cancer vaccine. The Hepatitis B vaccine is strongly endorsed by the medical, scientific and public health communities as a safe and effective way to prevent disease and death. The Hepatitis B vaccine has no known side effects or evidence that it can cause chronic illnesses. Bibliography Life sciences, Addison Wesley Biology the study of life, Miller and Levine