Henry V

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In each production of Henry V, the emphasis changes: Henry can appear to be "the mirror of all Christian Kings" or as a cynic who uses the, seemingly corrupt, church to justify his actions. The play is full of noble speeches, heroic battles, and valiant English underdogs fighting their way to victory against all odds. King Henry seems to be a perfect leader - brave, modest, and fiercely determined, but with a sense of humour. …

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…has come to care for his men and possibly regrets the decision to put so many people in danger, including him. His reasons for starting the war are not just and maybe he regrets this more than anything, it would seem more honourable to fight and die because of a justified, morally correct war than one orchestrated by a corrupted church out for their own gain who sway a still-easily influenced King looking for glory.