Henry Ibsen's "A Doll House" .

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A Feminine Transformation Society has and may always reflect the gender specific point of view of man, for every facet of society has been tainted with masculinity. The laws of the land and the generally accepted civilized behavior all remain unconsciously over powered by the male perspective. In this male driven society, where does the female stand, how do society and the law judge a female? This was the point that Henry Ibsen brought to …

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…a male-self. She slowly transforms into a man as Torvald shrivels more and more to that which society would view as a cowering woman. When Nora leaves her family, she does just what Torvald, the representation of men, would do. This is where Nora's final transformation occurs. Nora becomes a "man" and with this her character reveals the nature of man with this final action as she truly finds understanding of this male dominated society.