Henry Ford 5

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Essay Database > History
Henry Ford I have come here today to inform your of Henry Ford's early years, breakthrough with the Model T , and of his stubbornness attitude. Henry Ford made the automobile industry what it is today. His childhood hobby of mechanical tinkering proved him to be one of America's greatest inventors of all time. Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in the area of Detroit, Michigan. The was the eldest of six children born to William …

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…larger engine sizes. Then finally in 1927 Ford was convinced to put the Model T to rest and introduced the V-8 powered Model A. In his personal life Henry enjoyed folk-dancing, collecting early Americana and was a practical joker. He ran for the Senant but lost and also thought of running for the presidency. He died on April 20, 1947. Henry Ford achieved very much in his life and was a great influence to this countries automobile industry.