Henry Cabot Lodge

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Essay Database > History
Henry Cabot Lodge Henry Cabot Lodge was an American diplomat. He was born on July 5th 1902. He was born in Nahant Massachusetts. He did alot for our country so in the next few paragraphs I will tell you about Henry Cabot Lodge and some of his accomplishments. Henry Cabot Lodge attended Harvard University. Between 1923 and 1932 he was associated with the Boston Evening Transcript and the New York Herald Tribune. He was also a member of …

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…to 1964 and from 1965 to 1967. In 1969 Lodge represented the U.S. at the Paris peace conference on Vietnam. Lodge did alot for our country but he passed away in 1985. In my opinion I think Lodge was a great individual and he did alot for our country. You could definitely write more about this man. He did alot more things than I mentioned in this paper I just wish I had more time to write about him.