Hemingway's Old Man in the Sea This essay conveys a little about the author and the main points of the book.

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A Book Analysis of Hemingway's Old Man in the Sea The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway is a story of determination, friendship and also man's struggles with nature. Hemingway leads the reader though an interesting story of an old man and his will defeat nature. He also shares a story of friendship between young and old. Ernest Miller Hemingway was born July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. He was the second oldest of …

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…sharks. This is why this book should be included in the literary merit In conclusion The Old Man in the Sea is a novel of determination, friendship and also man's struggles with nature. It is not hard to see why this novel received a Nobel Prize. It is a powerful story of an old mans strong will and strength also filled with a touch of disappointment. All in all this is an outstanding, powerful novel.