Hello Shanghai

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The sun wakens up in the morning, putting on his crimson cloak while emerging on the rise of East-mountain peak. The chirpy larks have always been early birds, dancing in the park, lauding the glamour of the sun. Then, rising gradually kitchen smoke, accompanied by people greeting remarks, horse neighing, and siren whistling, the whole Shanghai comes around from the merry and lively slumber. Looking out of the window, an overwhelming feeling comes over me, …

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…prepared to take the initiative, even when there is a risk in doing so. We have courage and do not give in easily. Well, Shanghainese have already become the pride of all the Chinese. Beyond all doubt, Shanghai - you are the place where the fantasy and realty are mixed together. We are hoping that people all of the world would like you and swarm here, together with our Shanghainese, say, " Hello, Shanghai" to you!