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Essay Database > Literature > English
BEOWOLF SCRIPT- IN 30min Beowulf and fellow Danes gather to see comrades off -Boat leaving shore- -Beow is left to guard the horse -Beow In a land of monsters and magic there was a hero by the name of Beowulf. He was known through out the lands as being the strongest warrior who feared nothing. As a young powerful prince who with his mighty sword laid down the law in the land of the Danes. …

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…where they could defeat this monster. They reached the great hall and readied for the attack. That night a great feast was held in the hall. They drank their pitchers of mead and ate and rejoiced. There was singing and playing of music through out the evening. That night the men under Beowulf slept on their ship to be safe from the monster. After the night had come and gone the men awoke. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**