Hell Renovated

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
It has been centuries since Dante had visited the inferno. The world that he once knew of having a strong Christian point of view has since changed towards a nondiscriminatory Christian point of view. The Roman church was split and had two popes. Cults emerged and stabilized themselves as Calvinist and Puritans. The communities welcomed Christian homosexuality. The morals that priests once held became corrupted by the romantic industrialization. Dante's hell has since been changed …

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…rectum. <Tab/>Hell has been renovated to suit the sins committed on earth and in heaven. The punishments suit a radical Christian's point of view, such as Dante's. The political and Christian world will be set in place once reminded of Hell's true torments to those who sin. The crimes have not changed since Dante has last visited Hell, yet the punishments are more severe. Hell is only a gate away.