Heavy Metal

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The earliest style of Heavy Metal is Thrash Metal formed in the early '80s. In short, it is an acceleration of Heavy Metal, faster and harsher. It is essentially dominated by racing guitar and aggressive vocal. Each Thrash songs is often technically accomplished, taken at fast tempo. More and more guitar techniques and dexterity were required as Thrash became more and more intricate with impromptu guitar solos. Despite the lack of airplay, Thrash occupied …

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…the powerfulness of Metal. New Metal is the latest style forming in the late '90s. Actually, it is a combination or Metal and Rap / Hip Hop. Singer both rap and sing on the background of Heavy Metal sound. New Metal bands often use turntables - an instrument of DJs. Although considered less technical, New Metal is also famous among young fans for their realism. It portrays real life directly and straightforward, often youth life.