Heaven- A description of Heaven as a brief spin-off to Dante's vivid description of the bowels of Hell.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Heaven as I see it is not above the Earth. It is an ever expanding planet at the end of space. Even though it is a great distance from Earth, one just has to look skyward as if looking into a massive telescope and will see the far reaches of space. Gigantic planets and clouds of different colored gases and lights are as easily seen as the faces of your loved ones back on Earth. &…

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…he was standing right next to you. You also have to ability to send you love and concern to those back on Earth. If they have open hearts and faith they will be able to sense your gaze upon them and feel the warmth of your love. <Tab/>Heaven as I see it is not a destination but a starting point of our lives with God. <Tab/>