Heathcliff vs. Edgar in Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights"

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
There are several opposing characters in Emily Bronte's "Wuthering Heights". The best example is that of Heathcliff and Edgar. Their childhood, appearances, and relationship with Catherine are complete opposites. The two men had very different childhoods. Heathcliff was born into squalor and wandered the streets of Liverpool until Mr. Earnshaw took him home to his family. He was dirty and his clothes were ragged. "He seemed a sullen, patient child, hardened perhaps to ill-treatment." As …

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…visible delight, but necessary." Heathcliff is the man for Catherine but she marries Edgar, his opposite, instead. These two men are exact opposites. They grew up very differently, even though they lived barely four miles apart. Physically, they look different and they are part of different social classes. Each also had a unique relationship with Catherine. The only thing that Heathcliff and Edgar have in common is that they are both characters in Wuthering Heights.