"Heart of Darkness" and "Apocalypse Now"

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The Heart of Darkness collides with Apocalypse Now Francis Ford Coppola 1979 film Apocalypse Now is based on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Conrad's Heart of Darkness focuses on the ivory trade taking place in Africa, while Apocalypse Now takes place during the Vietnam War. The main character in both the film and story is Kurtz. Kurtz refers to "the horror" in both the film and story, in both Kurtz sees a horror in the people …

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…Kurtz in both Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now broke away from his original self and became a person he didn't intend to be. Nevertheless Kurtz transformed in both the movie or story and became a ruthless character. Work Cited: Apocalypse Now. Dir. Francis Coppola. With Martin Sheen, Robert Duval, And Marlon Brando. Zeotrope, 1979. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Rpt. in The Short Story and Its Writers. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003. 108-13