Heart of Darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Emma Lothian Heart of Darkness- Long Essay What all novels have in common is narrative structure. This essay will discuss the relationship between narrative structure, thematic concerns and employment of imagery in Heart of Darkness. With the assistance of textual references, this essay will demonstrate why Joseph Conrad enlists specific textual features to create the foundations of his allegory, upon which he constructs the rest of the plot. Through thorough examination of the stylistic conventions …

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…acknowledged that, what all novels have in common is narrative. It has employed intertextual references, from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, to demonstrate the complex relationships that exist between the author's expression of thematic concerns and the imagery they articulate for the purpose of creating particular affects. It has focussed on the conventions of literature that are developed to invent images with the best possible opportunity of giving a desired affect sought by the writer.