Heart of Darkness

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
In the story "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad he uses a lot of metaphors to describe the actual "Heart of Darkness." One of the metaphors he uses really stood out toward the end of the story and that is the contrasting differences between Kurtz's European Intended and his "magnificent" African mistress with whom he was involved. His intended, a pathetic white European woman, who represents the illusion of pureness, goodness, and the civilization of …

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… greed and enslave and kill the native people to feed their greed. They called Africans savages, because they didn't understand them and consider themselves civilized, but yet they have been killing and conquering people, countries, and riches for century. I do commend Conrad on one thing he exposes the true savageness of the European at that time and really showed the stupidity of not only the European women, but also their country as whole.