Heart of Darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Heart Of Darkness: Themes in Garden of Evil and Heart of Darkness Independent Novel Study- Theme Theme: is the central topic or dilema in the story. The theme directly involves the main character. The story of the Garden of Evil relates to Heart of Darkness in the way that the themes are similar. For example the evil that lies within us. Yes I believe that the statement "Evil is Inherent in the Hearts of Men" …

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…a prodigious peal of laughter 86 disinterred-11th line You should have heard the disinterred body of Mr.Kurtz saying, 81 evanescent-2nd paragraph 11th line leaping, gliding, distinct, incomplete, evanescent. 80 fusillade-14th line A fusillade burst out under my feet. 78 forbearing-2nd paragraph One of my hungry and forbearing friends sound in the bows just below me. 64 intrepidity-13th line He squinted at the steam gaugeand at the water gauge with an evident efffort of intrepidity.