Health psych - CFS and Fm (chronic fatigue syndrome and Fibromyalgia)

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
A study conducted by Dykman and Tone (1998) took 50 subjects with a physician's diagnosis of fibromyalgia (FM) and or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and interviewed them with a structured interview form. Nine months later, a follow up interviews was completed. In addition, all subjects in the study had previously received some form of medical treatment (massage therapy, biofeedback, physical therapy, etc) before taking the nutritional supplements but with no lasting success. CFS has been thought of …

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…they tend to define reality as such (Cohn, 1999). Perhaps the lack of any scientific or objective claim leads suffers to struggle with the issue of legitimization. It seems only logical to design a scientific experiment worthy of the attention of the biomedical community that seems to be at odds with the subjective experience of the suffers. Too often many CFS suffers are considered "medical rejects" that health practitioners are at odds to cope with (Langer, 1996).