Health Care in 2050

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
2721 Soc. 325 August 24, 2001 Health Care in 2050 Fifty years from now, where do you see our medical and health care coming from? I personally believe that by then we will have a great difficulty staying well. With viruses adapting and mutating so that conventional medicines will no longer be effective. Our only chance to overcome these new diseases and plagues will be to constantly advance and update our medical technology. Be it through technologically advanced computers with …

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…now, we wont regret it later. Our world is in a constant state of flux, we can either use it to our advantage or disadvantage. I just would not like to see the extinction of our species simply because we didnt prepare for the future of illness, and a mutated strain of the common cold transforms into a world wide uncurable epidemic. fty years from now, where do you see our medical and health car?