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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
H E A D A C H E S This peer-reviewed journal discusses headaches. Most people are familiar with headaches, the all to common throbbing that causes pain. There are many different kinds of headaches, and they range from being an infrequent annoyance to a persistent, severe, and disabling medical condition. There are also many procedures that can be tried for the different types of headaches. The brain itself is insensitive to pain, so that …

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…as a cervical epidural nerve block which injects small amounts of a corticosteroid and anesthetic into spaces between the vertebrae in the neck to block the nerves. You can try dental approaches, trigger point needling, acupuncture, spinal manipulation, and reflexology which manipulates the feet. All of these tests have reported very significant improvements to the tension type headaches. Also an easy way o reduces headaches all you have to do is have good health habits.