He died, of a broken heart.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
12th February, Thursday Adam, inspired by his anger to Rachel, tells Sam that Rachel fancies Zachary, the new guy from Michael High. Adam doesn't realize that what he has just done will cost an innocent boy's life. 13th February, Friday Since Zachary is Sam's best pal, the new reaches him in no time. Zachary, whose girlfriend, Angela, has run away with another guy, makes up her mind to give it a try. Who knows? Rachel …

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…right before Adam's very eyes by blowing a 46mm Caliber right through his head spreads fats in the school. Rachel fainted upon hearing the news last Saturday. Adam suffered from the trauma of the tragedy. It seems that he cannot forget the time when Zachary took his chest and said "You know what this is...? This is my heart... and it's broken..." For Zachary, with his heart smashed into pieced by love sledgehammer... died hearted...