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Essay Database > Literature > English
Pros/Cons Chart Hazing Pros Cons 1. Hazing issues a sense of unity. 1. Many die while in the process. 2. The process teaches the one being hazed about himself and his brothers. 2. Nothing but hatred and ignorance comes out of situations in this process. 3. Hazing helps you down the line with personal struggles, it teaches you about life. 3. Hazing is an abuse of personal rights that can have debilitating and life-threatening consequences. 4. It is intense, extremely trying …

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…issue racism as a joke. Hazing in this form leads to many fights we could simply avoid. In conclusions I hope you see my claim and understand that hazing is no joke and that hazing as a whole, due to the entire hazards it creates, should be eliminated. Hazing could easily be eliminated by petitioning and increasing education about hazing and about the consequences it leads to. Hazing brings no good to the university life.