Hazardous drivers.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Law Issues
Hazrds of unsafe driving There are many Hazards of unsafe driving such as road rage. What makes this such a hazard is Feeling endangered, such as being cut off, Being detained by other drivers who are going slowly, Watching other people breaking the rules of the road and Feeling the need to retaliate. The first step to conquering road rage begins with acknowledgment of the feelings of impatience, frustration, anger and intolerance that drivers experience. …

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…If you let those emotions control you while driving it can result to running off the road, getting In an accident, killing a helpless victim and hurting yourself. To avoid all possible means if you are upset, do not get into your car and drive. Calm down or have someone else drive. Hazardous driving is nothing to joke about. The leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 1 to 24 is moter vehicle accidents.