Haydn's Emperor and Mozart's Requiem

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On February 8, 2000 I attended a concert presented by the Festival Chamber Music Society. The performers were a string quartet and a French horn. Eriko Sato is a violinist who has won the Tibor Varga International competition and has appeared as a soloist with the Louisville and Tokyo Imperial orchestras. Laurie Smukler is also a violinist. She is a graduate of Juliard where she studied with Ivan Galamian. She was also a founding member of the …

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…difference in the pieces performed at the two concerts that I attended. The fact that one was instrumental and the other was oratorio was the major difference. But I did detect some similarities between the Haydn piece and the Ave Verum Corpus piece. I found the stings to be sound similar in pitch and dynamic. Both were high pitched and soft in dynamics. Overall, I did enjoy the first concert much more than the second.