Hawk Mountain

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The afternoon was cool and crisp, without a cloud in the heavens as our ecology class set a course for Hawk Mountain Sanctuary located in Kempton, Pennsylvania. There was an air of relief because the weather finally sided with us; it will be a perfect day for hawk watching. Bundled up in winter coats and gloves, we arrived at the meeting center at the sanctuary where our guide was patiently waiting in the lecture auditorium. …

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…One red-tail was even kiting motionless in mid air before diving down to the earth toward its prey. Finally we watched in amazement as two golden eagles soared overhead. This was obviously a rare occurrence from the reactions of the veteran hawk watchers. It was an awe-inspiring sight to watch the massive eagle effortlessly soar overhead. The flight of the golden eagle is a sight that will remain in my head for years to come.