"Having It All" by Arlie Hochschild.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In Arlie Hochschild's novel, The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work, the central premise is that American family life is increasingly spread into small slices of time with much rushing from task to task in order to meet the family's needs. This causes a "time bind" with respect to the time that Americans spend with their children. This premise leads one to ask the question, "Can anyone have it all?" This …

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…with oneself. Also it seems that men can be more content no being part of family life, rather than women who seem to be forced to take upon the burden that men leave behind with regard to family life. Thus, anyone can "have it all" because "having it all" simply means being happy with one's life. But there seems to be many more barriers if one is a woman than if one is a man.