Have we become too dependant on computers that we have become deviant to responsibilities?

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health & Beauty
Computers and Responsibility After watching the "Star Trek" episode, I was fascinated about their style of waging war and how they handled casualties. Instead of having real, all-out warfare, instead of destroying buildings, houses and land, they would fight with mathematics and computers, and make the casualties commit suicide. That is not war, what they did was just basically a video game with real life casualties. Sometimes the horrors of war cannot be avoided, and …

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…that we would originally have to complete by hand. They have limited our pains and length of work, but they have not limited our responsibility. All the work we do is initiated and at least overseen by human responsibility. The computers don't work by themselves, they are kept up and running by humans. We are in charge of our own actions and our own work, we just use computers to relieve the burdens a bit.