Hate and causes of it

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Hate, as defined in Webster's Dictionary, a hostile aversion compounded with anger and fear or strong dislike. Many people hate and many people love. Although, in this world it seems many more hate than love. Hate is a negative response to a situation, decision, and even people. Many hate to suppress their inadequacies and help themselves feel better. Many people are brought up in homes where racism was "normal" and passed down generation to generation …

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…belligerence. Most of us get along with everyone that is open to humanity. One must only worry about their actions when something negative takes place, but sometimes you think about the good you have done and analyze it. Many people are misinformed or uneducated. If somehow we can teach the people that we are an entire human race and our colors are not a means of negative feedback, I believe we can all live harmoniously.