Hate Entrenched in Society

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
The definition of hate is as follows: the emotion of hate; a feeling of dislike so strong that it demands action - hatred. In today's world, we see many people expressing their strong feelings of hate in "hate crimes". Hate crimes are crimes directed at people because of their race, religion, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. Many are small simple crimes such as throwing a rock through a window with a note, or a verbal …

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…began killing the Jews in gas chambers and in concentration camps. The Holocaust was the worse case of racial-cultural genocide the world has ever known in terms of number of lives lost. Hatred has been a powerful influence on many political decisions around the world. Many times, a country is represented by its leader and his actions and comments. The nastier he is, the less respect others will have for the reputation of that country.