Hate Crimes "The Reality of it All"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The age old question is can we all just get along? In my opinion he answer is no. In this world there is an infinite amount of opinions and ideas, and with that in mind people will consistently bump heads. Since there is no possible way to get around this predicament called hate, anger, jealousy, and envy etc. why not make a law that can limit the actions that come from these emotions. Many people …

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…and families being separated over foolishness. What will it take for this to be enforced more bombings, more bloodshed, or an all out war. Works Cited Redding, Cliff. "Jasper, Texas: The Road of Infinite Suffering." Crisis (The New) Sep/Oct98: John B. Coleman Library 4 Apr. 2003 <http://web19.epnet.com/delivery.asp?tb> Jeffers, Thomas. "When the civil-rights movement was news." May 2003 John B. Coleman Library. 4 Apr. 2003 <http://www.pqdweb?TS.com>