Hate Crimes

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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Hate crimes can be defined as violent acts against people because of their actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or even disability towards any person. Hate crimes send a message to people that certain groups of other people dislike them or not welcome them in a particular community. People who have been victimized by hate crimes suffer more emotional state of trauma than any other victims from other committed crimes. …

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…do that so. This final conclusion might seem to be wrong but this just my personal opinion of how I see difference between hate crimes and other crimes. Hate crimes are not necessarily random, uncontrollable or inevitable occurrences. There is an overwhelming evidence that society can intervene to reduce or prevent many forms of violence, especially among young people, including any other forms of hate crimes that threaten and intimidate entire categories of people today.