Hate Crimes: Victims of Discr

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Some people are trapped in body with features that are uncontrollable or brutally beaten because of the religion they were born into. Outcasts from society become victims of hate. Sound unfair? These are examples of social injustices, a modern term applied to old practices. The most recognizable forms of social injustices relate back to a central concept, discrimination. Hatred becomes the reason for violent acts called hate crimes. Caused by discrimination, these immoral acts lead …

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…crimes will continue. Historical evidence showing that discrimination has always affected society suggest that there will always be people filled with hatred fighting peace. Caused by discrimination, hate crimes affect every person, either personally or indirectly. Violence is a shocking reality that grimly looks up on the future of society as a continuous attribute to life. Social injustices are like energy changes. They may take on a new mold, but will never be completely destroyed.