Harry S. Truman

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
America, our great country, is strong, powerful, and influential. Americans exemplify positive values, selflessness, hospitality, and the American way of life. The mighty oak tree that stands taller, bigger, and older than all others best represents this grand country. Each part of the tree illustrates a facet of our nation. Shapely emerald leaves covering the tree symbolize the values many Americans hold concerning themselves, others, and their nation. Leaves help the tree grow and flourish …

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…our country and begin to appreciate what we have as opposed to those who have nothing at all. It is usually what we do not have that we want, but when we begin to appreciate what we do have, we stop wanting so much for ourselves but for others to have more. That is perhaps the characteristic of America that has made us the greatest country in the world- the tallest oak in the forest.