Harry Potter

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Harry Potter books combine the detective work of the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, the mirthful wordplay of Dr. Seuss and the lampoon portraits of Charles Dickens. No author in the English language has displayed a more frolicking imagination since Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland. Reviewers have aptly compared the Potter books to C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia and J.R.R. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings. But the Potter books transcend …

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…rebellion. An open-book policy isn't just about theoretical rights of the child, it's what works best. To read Harry Potter is to listen to a master storyteller. If these books have magic in them, it's the magic of Shakespeae and Dickens and Lewis Carroll and Dr. Seuss. I've just scratched the surface of their amazing nature. Give them a try. A new world awaits you. And please share these books with a child. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**