Harry Houdini

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Ehrich Weiss was born on March 24, 1874 in the house of his parents: Samuel and Caecilia Weiss. When Ehrich was a little boy, he saw a magician, Robert Houdin, make an entire army revolution disappear. From that moment on, Ehrich decided to devote his studies towards Houdin and the art of magic. Ehrich once wrote, "I asked nothing more of life than to become in my profession like Robert-Houdin" (Christopher 16). He told his friend Jacob Hyman …

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…The Congressmen present are to act as judges" (Gibson 127). No one stood up to his request. In summary, Harry Houdini was an outstanding person and contributed greatly to the world as an escape artist, a magician, and an exposure of fraudulent spirit mediums. Many people were inspired by his tricks and escapes and other people followed him by not believing in spirit mediums. In all his accomplishments, he was the greatest magician to ever live.