Harmful/useful chemicals

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Essay Database > Literature > English
We all come into contact with a broad spectrum of chemicals each day. Some are used commonly but we do not realize the potential health hazards they can cause. For instance, there is bleach. It is used as a common household cleaner, typically used in laundry. Bleach is great for many uses, but if used improperly it can be very dangerous. If it comes in contact with your eyes, it would irratate them greatly, or …

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…many purposes. It can also be used in fingerprinting of plastics. Another chemical that can prove to be quite lethal but has other good uses is Cyanide. It is extremely toxic, even by inhalation, and it attacks the central nervous system. Although it is very dangerous, it is very helpful in the controling of the insect population. It is also used in the treatment of various metals that are essential to us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** none