Hardship Experience Is Not Necessary For Young Students to Mature

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
I do believe that the hardship experience is not necessary for young students to mature. First of all let us see the definition of "hardship" and "mature". "Hardship" means suffering or discomfort that arises in life, perhaps trivial or serious. And "mature" means well developed both mentally and physically. The reason why we call it hardship is because itself hampers the progression. As we try our best to avoid the hardship, which is not necessary …

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…We cited them just to encourage young students whether they are engaged in hardship or not learning from them and improve themselves, not asking them to have the same hardship experience: to be deaf and challenge the hardship then become an excellent musician like Beethoven. Do not forget the English saying "The wise learn from others' mistakes." As in conclusion, I want to say the hardship experience is not necessary for young students to mature.