"Hard Times" by Richard Wright.

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Bigger's point of view is used throughout the novel as the narrative is centered on Bigger's life. Wright frequently travels into Bigger's mind, begging with Bigger's journey to the pool hall when he contemplates the potential job option of working at the Dalton's. He also voices the feelings of oppression that he has felt at the hands of a white dominated society that becomes the barrio between him and his dreams. Bigger's fear and hatred …

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…of the American complete society. Through the black point of view, the reader understands the general aura of oppression and despair that dominates the black neighborhood. Through the white perspective, Wright shows the erroneous and condescending attitude that blacks face. In Max, Wright combines the two by illustrating the attitudes of both without the bias of either. Through the combination of different points of views, Wright portrays the flaws of the society as a whole.