Handguns Must be Banned

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
In the past three years, my two brothers and my niece have had their homes burglarized. Two of my closest friends have been mugged. The trauma, financial hardships and stress caused by these crimes are still being felt. My immediate reaction to these violations of my loved ones was incredible anger. I can fully understand and empathize with the public support for Bernard Goetz who shot his subway muggers. His actions were every crime victim's …

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…guns were more common, the first thing Federal marshals did when new territories were added to the union was forbid the carrying of firearms. Perhaps they knew that handguns were too easy to use in moments of passion. Perhaps too many bank tellers and landlords' secretaries got shot for terminal rudeness. There is a often narrow line between a law-abiding and a law-breaking citizen; a handgun and a rotten mood may be all it is.