Hammer, Richard: One Morning in the War: The Tragedy at Son My. - Book Review, includes biography information about author. 2 sources besides book included

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Richard Hammer was born in 1928 in Hartford, Connecticut. He attended Syracuse University where he received his A.B. in 1950, Trinity College in Hartford where he received his M.A. in 1951, and Columbia University as a graduate student from 1951-53. Hammer was a news assistant with the National Broadcasting Co., an associate editor for Barron's Weekly and Fortune, and from 1963-1972, he was on the editorial staff for the New York Times. Hammer has written several …

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…Hammer talks an ARVN major, the major, this reader believes speaks for most Vietnamese when he says, "It would be nice if the Americans would go and help defend someone else's freedom for a change." Bibliography: Anon., Contemporary Authors (Detroit: Gale Research Co. 1971) Vol IV, pg. 299 **, "The Meaninglessness of My Lai," Time Magazine, May 25, 1970, pg. 102. Hammer, Richard: One Morning in the War: The Tragedy at Son My. New York, New York: Coward-McCann, Inc. 1970. Pp. xi, 207.