Hamlets Soliloquy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The soliloquy that appears in Act 1, Scene 2, lines 129 through 159 of William Shakespear's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is the first to appear in the tragedy. The mere position of it within the play makes it important, although that alone does not explain the substance of it. Presented in the form of a soliloquy, the audience is more likely to believe the words spoken by Hamlet. Dramatic characters are not always to be believed when speaking to …

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…sympathetic light. It clarifies who Hamlet is as an individual and openly relates his judgment of the situation. Without this, the play would not be as much of a tragedy. It is the personal connection one feels to Hamlet that allows them to understand that all is not as well in Denmark as the other characters in the play would lead one to believe. This lays the foundation upon which the proceeding story may build.