Hamlet's Soliloquies

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In Shakespearean literature, soliloquies are important dramatic devices. They allow the reader to understand a character better as a play unfolds. In Hamlet, the soliloquies performed by the title character help reveal his innermost thoughts and feelings aloud. Hamlet's soliloquies are the keys to his internal struggles, which are hidden under a mask. From Hamlet's soliloquies in Act I, II, III, and IV, one learns of his feelings towards the new marriage between his mother …

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…life. Soliloquies are important dramatic devices used to better understand a character. These soliloquies are done through the discussion of thoughts and feelings to one's self. The character Hamlet goes through a wide range of internal struggles which have a severe impact on his attitude and on his personality. From revealing these numerous struggles throughout the play in his soliloquies, one is able to understand the true difficulties he has with life, and with others.