Hamlet's Hesitations

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Essay Database > Literature
Throughout the entire play, Hamlet is plagued with obstacles that stand in the way of him completing his goals. He has many fatal defects in his character traits, like his indecisiveness and tendency to impede action. He also acts too recklessly sometimes and is extremely narcissistic. These are all struggles that Hamlet attempts to live with while dealing with his countless predicaments. <Tab/>When confronted with a problem, Hamlet usually acts …

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…upside down when his father is murdered. He becomes tactless, not knowing how to resolve his problems often over thinking or thinking too little, as well as his inclination to be vain and insolent to those around him. He must learn when it is the correct time to act swiftly or to take time to contemplate, because the decisions that he makes has an immense effect on himself as well as the people around him.