Hamlet's Growth Through Soliloquies

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Essay Database > Literature
<Tab/>Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a story of a man searching for his true identity. Shakespeare uses soliloquies to show the readers and audience the true feelings and emotions of Hamlet. All seven soliloquies, each slightly different, proclaim Hamlet's inner conflicts and reasons for delaying his revenge. Hamlet is a very complex character. He doesn't really know who he is, but through his soliloquies we can …

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…his thoughts and emotions from his first passive act up until he finally avenges his father. Hamlet's tragic flaw is his inability to act which ultimately leads to the deaths of many characters and lastly himself. Without soliloquies many of Hamlet's actions, and reasons for not acting, would make very little sense. They help show Hamlet's true feelings and emotions that would otherwise be hidden. <Tab/> <Tab/>