Hamlet's First Soliloquy

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Hamlet's First Soliloquy The tone of Hamlet's first soliloquy begins as sad and depressed as Hamlet contemplates suicide. The tone changes to angry and bitter while Hamlet ponders the relationship between his mother and his uncle. Through Shakespeare's use of diction and syntax he shows Hamlet's disapproval of this relationship. In the first section of this soliloquy Hamlet is considering suicide but does not follow through with his thoughts because of religious reasons. This is …

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…her of having an affair with his uncle before his father's death. He claims their relationship his based solely on lust and sex. Hamlet concludes his soliloquy with his frustration in saying he cannot say anything nor do anything about his knowledge and disapproval of his uncle's actions and relationship with his mother. This is a tone of not only frustration but perhaps even disappointed because he can not act on his feelings of anger.