Hamlet's Double-edged Sword

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Essay Database > Literature
Hamlet's tale is a tragic one because it presents a man who is in the center of a moral dilemma. It is difficult enough for a man to face what is making him angry even under normal circumstances. Hamlet's circumstances are certainly not normal. Hamlet's dilemma, whether or not he should kill the king, is compounded by three things. He is extremely angry and hurt over the murder of his father. He cannot express that …

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…his revenge. However, that celebration would have been short lived, as the people would have seen right through to the crime and would no doubt have given Hamlet less than their undivided loyalty. For Hamlet, it seems that the choice was death or a living hell, a double-edged sword imposed on him by his anger. If he could have let it go, he would have lived. But Hamlet was not destined for life or happiness.