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Essay Database > Literature > English
The Play Hamlet by William Shakespeare is arguably his finest tragedy ever written. The characterizations of the cast are odd shaped pieces that fit perfectly in this puzzle of confusion and anger. The contrasts and comparisons between and within the characters paint a colorful picture of tragedy and betrayal. Three characters that display intricate characteristics are Polonius, King Claudius, and Hamlet. Polonius is a confused man filled with nothingness. He is just a shell of …

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…tragic hero kicked in and died soon after killing Claudius. "O, I die, Horatio! The potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit." Overall, Hamlet was an ideal tragedy. What made it ideal was the characteristics of the characters and the way that they all became intertwined throughout the play. Hamlet was the strongest character, mentally and ethically. Although Hamlet did not come out on top, he completed his life's work and is in a better place.